Below is a list of X accounts I think are very underrated and underfollowed. (Potentially I should create another list of accounts that should post more)
This collection of accounts is pretty much forecasters + under followed substack writers (which is the X replacement people are looking for).
@edgefills - has a crazy good substack and always tweeting things from a different perspective and always very thought out and detailed. Here are a few of my favorites: A little Dark Edge, The Anti acc Revolution, The Bourdain/Bateman Axis, The College Loan Edition
@NunoSempere - Building Sentinel a weekly newsletter on global events and risks sourced from top forecasters by Samotsvety (view their track record here). There are some pretty good reviews on them in their manifund application and also heres the full memo on the project. I would strongly suggest following both Nuno and Sentinel
@prophet_notes - Running Prophet Notes a weekly newsletter on various events with their money on the line!
@JgaltTweets - top metaculus trader was a fantastic follow during the election, looking forward to what they focus on as the election hype dies down (unless the Trump Chaos Index keeps rises)
@mickbransfield purely from the point he literally has 70 followers there’s a lot of upside in following him. Mick is a great follow in the prediction market space and has been closely following and reporting on the various PM interactions with the courts
@climate_ben - from Roots of Progress and Polaris, Ben has a pretty interesting and detailed energy blog with unique posts like Someone is going to dim the sun, and it will be soon, Solar will get too cheap to connect to the power grid, and AI will use a lot of energy - that could be good for the climate
@JSchwarz91 - forecaster, criminally under followed (<200) mostly posts about geopolitical events but often has good unique replies
@john_henry former superforecaster, I generally find the superforecaster type don’t post often (at least on popular socials) but when they do, you should probably pay attention to what they are thinking about
@IndraStocks building a very cool thing over at Clarity Markets that is looking to a be a alternative data provider by combining unique datasets and prediction markets / forecasting
@benshindel - a pretty popular manifold user, brings a fun spin on predicting events
Below are (2) polls for the (10) accounts above, please vote in both for the most underrated / underfollowed account!
For the record, I meant to vote for @JSchwarz91 and not myself. It's -2F in Pittsburgh right now and my hands are numb from cold.